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About the construction technology of Changsha Alpha elevator project

Release time: 2024-09-03 17:15:55

News source: Hunan Alpha Elevator Engineering Co., LTD

      Elevator engineeringConstruction requirement
      First, electric drive traction or forced elevator construction requirements
      1.Acceptance of elevator equipment
      (1) When the equipment enters the site for acceptance, it should be checked that the documents delivered with the equipment, the equipment parts are consistent with the contents of the packing list, and there is no obvious damage to the appearance of the equipment。
      (2) Random files include:
      1) Civil layout plan;
      2) Product production certificate;
      3) Copy of type inspection certificate of door lock device, speed governor, safety clamp and buffer to ensure elevator safety;
      4) Equipment packing list;
      5) Installation, use and maintenance instructions;
      6) Electrical schematic diagram of power circuit and safety circuit。
      2.Requirements for civil engineering handover inspection Civil construction units, installation units, construction (supervision) units jointly carry out the handover and acceptance of civil engineering。
      (1) The structure and layout of the civil or steel frame inside the equipment room and parallel roads must meet the requirements of the elevator civil construction layout。
      (2) The equipment room should be provided with fixed electrical lighting, and a switch should be provided in the equipment room near the entrance to control the lighting power supply。The neutral and ground power cables in the equipment room must be separated. The ground resistance of the grounding device must be greater than 4 ohms。
      (3) The main power supply should be able to cut off the current under the normal use of the elevator, and for the elevator with the machine room, the switch should be easily accessible from the machine room。For elevators without machine rooms, the switch should be set in a convenient place outside the shaft。
      (4) Before the installation of the elevator, all hall door reserved holes must be equipped with a safety protection seal (safety protection door) with a height of no less than 1200mm, and should ensure sufficient strength, the lower part of the protection seal should have a height of not less than 100mm baseboard, and should be opened left and right, can not be opened up and down
      (5) Permanent electrical lighting should be set up in the well, the well lighting voltage adopts 36V safety voltage, the illumination in the well shall not be less than 50lx, and the high point and low point of the well shall be 0.Install one light in each 5m space with a distance of no more than 7m between the lights. Set control switches in the equipment room and the pit。
      (6) The pit floor under the car buffer support should be able to withstand the force of 4 times the static load of the fully loaded car。
      10.Electrical installation requirements
      (1) The insulation resistance between the conductors of the power and electrical safety devices and between the conductors to the ground shall not be less than 0.5MΩ。
      3.电梯Overall installation requirements
      (1) When any phase in the three-phase power supply is disconnected or any two phases are misconnected, there should be phase break and phase wrong protection function, so that the elevator does not occur dangerous failure。
      (2) The power circuit, control circuit, safety circuit must have a short-circuit protection device that matches the load;The power circuit must have overload protection device。
      (3) The car (counterweight, balance weight) down sign on the speed governor must be consistent with the actual downward direction of the car (counterweight, balance weight)。The rated speed and operating speed on the governor nameplate must be consistent with the elevator being inspected。The governor must conform to its type test certificate。
      (4) Safety clamp, buffer, door lock device must conform to its type test certificate。
      (5) For instantaneous safety clamps, the car should be loaded with a uniformly distributed rated load;For progressive safety clamps, the car shall carry a uniform distribution of 125% of the predetermined load。
      (6) When the floor door and car door test, each layer of the door must be able to open normally with a triangular key, when a floor door or car door is opened abnormally, the elevator is strictly prohibited to start or continue to run。
      (7) When the traction capacity of the traction elevator is tested, the car is loaded with 125% rated load in the upper range of the stroke and the lower range of the stroke, and the floor is stopped for more than 3 times respectively, and the car must be stopped reliably (the floor should be flat in the upstream condition of no load).。When the car carries 125% of the rated load at the normal running speed, the motor and brake power supply are cut off, and the elevator must be reliably braking。
      (8)电梯Running test should be carried out after installation;Under no-load and rated load conditions, the car runs 1000 times per hour and load duration per hour (no less than 8h per day) according to the product design, and the elevator should run smoothly, brake reliably, and run continuously without fault。
      3. Construction requirements for escalators and automatic sidewalks
      1.Equipment acceptance requirements
      (1) The technical data of the equipment must provide a copy of the type inspection report of the steps or treadles, or a copy of the fracture strength certificate of the tape。
      (2) The documents should have civil construction layout, product factory certificate, packing list, installation, use and maintenance instructions, as well as power circuit and safety circuit electrical schematic。
      2.Requirements for civil engineering handover inspection
      (1) The vertical net height of the steps of the escalator or the pedals or tape of the automatic sidewalk is strictly prohibited to be less than 2.3m。
      (2) Before installation, there must be a fence or barrier around the well to ensure safety, and its height is strictly prohibited less than 1.2m。
      (3) According to the requirements of the product supplier, the channel and handling space required for the equipment should be provided。
      (4) Before installation, the civil construction unit shall provide clear horizontal reference line identification。
      3.Handrail into the mouth protection device action。
      (1) The insulation resistance requirements between the wires of different circuits and the wires to the ground: the insulation resistance between the wires and the wires to the ground should be greater than 1000Ω/V, and the power circuit and the electrical safety device circuit should not be less than 0.5MΩ, other circuits (control, lighting, signal, etc.) shall not be less than 0.25MΩ。

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